Feel Loved Again

Love isn’t a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, here and now.
— Fred Rogers

Couples counseling focuses on helping people express their needs and acknowledge their partner’s needs more effectively, which enhances their intimacy and leads to better communication. It’s hard work, though, and often requires a lot of courage to open up to an often disconnected partner. Relational patterns are hard to break and cause people to feel stuck, but couples counseling can help.

hands spelling the word love with fingers, representing the connection our st. peters, MO couples therapists want you to feel through marriage counseling

Our clinicians who practice couples counseling use an Emotionally-Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) approach in addition to the Gottman Method. This approach delves into each partner’s deep attachment needs and supports each partner as they learn to communicate and acknowledge these needs for each other. By learning how to break their maladaptive relationship patterns, each partner gains important insight about their own tendencies and discovers newer, healthier ways of interacting with their partner. Read more about the philosophy and practice of EFT here.

Join Us for a Weekend Workshop for COUPLES!

Hold Me Tight

“To achieve a lasting loving bond, we have to be able to tune in to our deepest needs and longings and translate them into clear signals that help our lovers respond to us. We have to be able to accept love and to reciprocate.”  -Dr. Sue Johnson

Unlock the Secrets to a Stronger Relationship

Workshop Highlights

Expert Guidance: Feel supported through hard conversations by three licensed professional counselors highly trained in Emotionally Focused Therapy.

Hands-on Practice: Practice those hard conversations in private spaces with expert support.

Clinically-proven: Research shows that EFT helps 75% of couples move from disconnection to closeness, and 90% of those couples maintain that connection over time.

Couples will benefit from the
Hold Me Tight workshop if they:

  • Feel distant from their partner or like they’re just roommates.

  • Have busy schedules or struggle to find weekly childcare.

  • Have a hard time committing to regular counseling sessions.

  • Are in crisis but are both committed to improving their relationship.

  • Are dealing with conflict, communication issues, or feeling disconnected.

  • Are already in therapy but seeking additional support.

  • Want to enhance their relationship even if it’s going well.

  • Desire a deeper emotional bond.

  • Are seeking to reconnect or revitalize their relationship.

During this immersive weekend experience
you and your partner will learn to:

  • Identify what is under the surface when conflict occurs.

  • Understand the story you tell yourself, and how it affects your connection.

  • Change negative patterns that keep you feeling frustrated and disconnected.

  • Heal from wounds that you may have carried for years.

  • Repair the damage that has been done, and restore a sense of safety to the relationship.

  • Learn new ways to communicate with each other.

  • Become more accessible, responsive, and engaged.

  • Deepen your emotional and physical connection.

Need Support?
Here’s Who Can Help!

Read our blog about couples therapy

Through compassionate guidance and exploration, partners explore their dynamics, enhancing communication and deepening their bond. It IS possible to feel closer to your partner again!